General terms and conditions of business

theBoat school - Rhine - Mosel BRM GmbH (here referred to as BRM)Hauptstraße 2856235 HundsdorfOwner: Gabriele RoelofsCommercial register MontabaurB 254391.The binding registration is made by telephone or online and is confirmed with the delivery of the invoice. Invoices are due immediately and without deduction.

2.If a booked practical training cannot be attended, this must be communicated to BRM in writing at least 48 hours in advance in writing or by email. Otherwise, the fee already paid will be deemed to have expired or must be paid in full.3.Invoices that have not been paid in advance in accordance with the respective payment deadline must be paid in cash at the latest when the booked course is first attended. There is then no entitlement to a free course place.

4. Goods handed out, such as teaching materials, etc. remain the property of BRM until the invoice amount has been paid in full.5. BRM can cancel or postpone booked appointments due to illness or exceptional circumstances and will inform customers of this as soon as possible, stating the alternative dates.Status of General Terms and Conditions: 01/2022

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