Thorn conditions
theBoat school - Rhine - Mosel BRM GmbH (here referred to as BRM)Hauptstraße 2856235 HundsdorfOwner: Gabriele RoelofsCommercial register MontabaurB 25439
CRUISE COSTSThe cruise costs are to be paid according to the invoice. The type of cabin is determined from the invoice. If booked, the costs include practical training or supervision by a skipper. CRUISE ADDITIONAL COSTSGeneral additional costs apply. These are, for example: - the skipper must be kept free via the on-board cash register - final cleaning of the yacht - gas flat rate - operating materials (e.g. diesel) - berthing fees if other ports are called at - meals - proportionate costs of a deposit insurance - own arrival and departure - for a training trip with a practical exam, the exam fees plus the additional costs for the travel of the examination board (proportionate / exam participant) BINDING TOUR BOOKING A binding tour booking is made by booking via the homepage or by telephone booking and by paying the tour fee according to the invoice. TRIP CANCELLATION / CANCELLATION From the day of booking, the currently applicable statutory cancellation period applies by email or post. In the event of a trip cancellation, we recommend taking out travel cancellation insurance if necessary; the Bootsschule-Rhein-Mosel BRM GmbH will not reimburse costs. BOAT GUARD The skipper has the function of boat captain and thus has quasi-on-board authority. He is responsible for the crew and the ship. The captain's instructions must be followed without fail. However, each crew member is also responsible for his or her own personal safety and takes part in the trip voluntarily at his or her own risk.
Boating School Rhine-Moselle
BRM GmbHPostanschrift:
Main Street 28
56235 Hundsdorf
Call us: 49 171/5756114
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Thorn conditions